eBaazar & Services

eBaazar & Services

What is the eBaazar & Services platform?

eBaazar & Services comes to the aid of all businesses or individuals who want to increase their income and profits from the sale of items, products or services they perform, while also enabling the transportation of required orders/products.
The control panel with which vendors/service providers can be identified by logging in and have the opportunity to add items, products and services they have can be found by clicking here
Also, in the same link as above, vendors/individuals, taxis and postmen/delivery boyes will have the opportunity to register on the platform.

Who will be able to cooperate with eBaazar & Services?

Unlike all other existing platforms which perform mainly only (Food delivery), as a new innovation, in the platform “eBaazar & Services” will be able to cooperate practically all types of vendors/service providers or other persons. who want to list their various articles/products/services.
Below we are listing some of them:
* Foods (Fast Food, Pizzerias, Restaurants, Taverns, Sweet-shop, etc.)
* Various markets and supermarkets
* Shops (Office, bookstore, tobacco, children’s toys, clothing, shoes, carpets & rugs, eyewear, gifts, flower shops, pet store, jeweler and many more)
* Coffee & Bar (Express products, soft drinks, alcoholic, appetizers, etc.)
* Art & Souvenirs (Paintings, engravings, musical instruments, tattoo piercings, handicraft items, models, etc.)
* Pharmacy (Medicines, accessories, items for children and adults, folk remedies, etc.)
* Taxi (Taxi service inside and outside the country)
* Services (various services, plumbing, electrical, assembly, security systems, carpenter, dry cleaning, etc.)
* Post Office (Postal services, documents, packages, various orders inside and outside the country)
* Real Estate (Various premises, offices, houses, land, apartments for rent or sale, etc.)
* Other (Farm, veterinary clinic, agricultural pharmacy, local products, home products and a variety of other items)

What does eBaazar & Services offer you?

The platform enables all the above mentioned vendors/services (or others) to publish their business/services online and also an electronic menu where all citizens/users of the platform will have the opportunity to browse the article/product/service that are looking for their needs.
Also this platform will take over the delivery service (transport) for all businesses/service providers regardless of whether the latter do not have currently such a service and in this way “eBaazar & Services” will offer to citizens/users its possibility of transport to the required destination (Home, office, etc.) of items or services ordered by them.

How much will the cooperation with “eBaazar & Services” cost?

This main purpose of the platform is to help its citizens/users to have the opportunity to find as easily and quickly what they are looking for as well as to significantly increase the income/profits of those who will cooperate with us by significantly increase the number of customers/orders.
All users/citizens who will register and use “eBaazar & Services” will have no cost and all services provided by the platform will be all FREE.
All vendors/different service providers who will be registering for the first time on the platform will operate for 1, 2 or 3 months (depending on the type of vendor/service they offer) FREE at no cost and after that if they are satisfied with the “eBaazar & Services” service will be charged as follows.

Payment methods for vendors/service providers/others will be divided into 4 different ways according to the type of service provided:
* Fixed monthly payment (vendor/service listing will be active for 30 days from the payment in “eBaazar & Services”, otherwise the business/service provider will be automatically deactivated by the system and users/citizens will not be able to to see with the articles/services of the latter)
* Tax payment (vendor/service listing will always be active on “eBaazar & Services” and will never be interrupted, but the platform will keep a certain percentage for each order placed through it.
* Alternate payment (Both methods of above payments will be offered at the same time lying in agreement for the best offer)
* Payment for item/service (vendor/service listing will always be active on “eBaazar & Services” and will never be interrupted, but the platform will keep a fixed fee for each item/service ordered by it, regardless of the price item/service provided.
* Payment for central advertisements (display of vendors/offers, etc. in the main banners of the application or display in the main banners of the respective categories where they belong as desired). This type of payment is not mandatory.

What does the eBaazar & Services platform offer to the community / society?

1. Full-time or part-time employment opportunities for all those who want to work as a delivery boy/postman without the need for work experience or university degree.
2. Transportation of items/ products/services for all vendors/service providers that will cooperate with “eBaazar & Services” regardless of whether the latter have their delivery boys/couriers or not, expanding the space of the business activity and enabling publication of items/products/services for all citizens/users.
3. Significantly facilitates all citizens/users of this platform by giving you the opportunity to find what they want at no cost and without wasting any time trying to find solutions for what they are looking for through primitive ways (orally, contact numbers, person after person etc.)
4. Helps to create a digital map for all vendors/services that exist by also improving tourism in the country for all Albanian or foreign emigrants, as well as helping the latter to obtain the required service/product in record time.

How and where will the “eBaazar & Services” platform be used?

Practically this platform will be used in all devices that you can have, such as: Smartphone (Android, IOS), Tablet, iPad, PC (Web based) etc …
1. For vendors/service providers there will be a control panel through which they will see the statistics of orders, profits, etc. or will be able to add menus/products they offer as well as the publication of various offers. Also an application on their smartphones or website through which they will be notified in real time for orders received from users/citizens.
2. For taxis/post  mens there will be a control panel through which they will be able to see order statistics, profits, etc. or will add the services they offer with their respective prices and also an application on their smartphones or website through which they will be notified in real time for the orders received by users/citizens.
3. For delivery boys there will be an application on their smartphones through which they will be able to see order statistics, profits, etc. as well as will be notified in real time for orders that are ready to be transported to the respective destinations.
4. For users/citizens there will be an application or website where the latter will have the opportunity to browse all vendors/service providers registered on the platform, to see their orders, etc.

The level of difficulty of using the platform for both vensors/service providers or user/citizen parties is extremely minimal and everyone will be able to operate simply and quickly without any problems as in the case of orders in primitive ways (telephone, orally, etc.) and without misunderstandings or errors in the execution of orders.

Other technical details (referring to specialists and other persons who may be interested in special details of the platform)

Backend (Login, Registration, Control Panel) and Frontend (Website) are written in PHP Laravel, connected to a MySQL database which ensures maximum data security and works fast with high efficiency.
Applications (For vendors, taxis, postmens, delivery boys, users/citizens) are written in the Dart programming language(created by Google) with the help of the Flutter platform(created by Google), guaranteeing high stability for all devices and enabling the writing of code/application updates to in the same way without the need for specific changes on different platforms. This means that the application or changes that will be made in the future will be reflected on all devices Smartphone (Android/IOS), Tablet, iPad, etc. equally, without differences between them and at the same time for all.
Applications communicate with Backend via an API (Application Programming Interface) in a secure and encrypted manner (SSL) which guarantees high speed and security during data transmission.
Also applications and backend are related to Firebase services (backed by Google) for various usage statistics, Firebase Cluod Functions, Firebase Firestore (Real-time database) etc.

Customer Order Payment Flow

Driver Assignment

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